Eusebius explained


“With the army Galerius will lead against them this time, they will be too busy to destroy abandoned buildings,” Constantine assured him. “In less than a year, the place should be back in Roman hands.”

“Then I will plan to go there and study the paintings,” Eusebius said. “Perhaps I can discover some new information about the Christians in the very early period of the church.”

“Is that really so important? I should think you would either just believe in your god or not believe in him.”

“Our faith is not based simply upon belief in a god, even one who is all powerful,” Eusebius explained. “After all, the Greeks have Jove, the Romans have Jupiter and, wherever you go, men instinctively look to a god who is above all others.”

“Some people say your god has three faces and that you sometimes worship one and sometimes another.”

Worship God the Father

“We worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit,” Eusebius explained. “But the important thing in our faith is that the Father loved mankind enough to send his Son, to be born as a babe in the humble surroundings of a stable. He let Jesus live and teach on earth ”

“And be crucified? What father could subject his son to such a painful death?”

“It was because he was subjected to such a painful death, yet rose above it, that we know he can give us all the gift of ertemal life,” Eusebius said earnestly. “From the cross Christ forgave those who had him killed, so we who follow him can do no less.”

“If you are persecuted again, will you not hate your persecutors?” Eusebius shook his head. “Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you. To him who smites you on one cheek, offer the other. . . . And as you would that men should do to you, do you also likewise to them.’”

‘What man is so perfect that he could follow such rales?” Constantine scoffed.

“Only one in all of history,” Eusebius admitted. “They crucified him long ago, but he sends the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who believe in him today, as proof that we too shall live again, with him.”

Read More about History of your religion


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